Monthly Archives: September 2008

Wordless Wednesday

“Look Ma, one handed!”

“Here Dad, let me give you a massage.”

Wordless Wednesday

We had a visit Sunday afternoon from the Coldfront/Ike combo, which produced hurricane force winds.  Here is Josiah trying to be a good neighbor and help push the very large tree off of our neighbor’s patio.  Almost all of our friends are still without power and the Seminary cancelled classes for the week, however, their power was restored yesterday afternoon.  I believe the weather man said this crazy weather phenomenon last happened in 1958, so Josiah has now weathered a tornado, an earthquake and a crazy wind phenom!  What an exciting life he’s had and he’s only 7 months along!

Fave Foto Friday

Happy 7 Month Birthday Josiah!!

New hobby:  paper eating!

“It’s hard being 7 months old!”

STL vs. Cubs

Today, weather permitting, we will be attending Josiah’s first major league baseball game.  The competition will be between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs.  Josiah, choose this day which team you will cheer for, whether the Cubs as your father does, or the Cardinals as your mother does.  Hopefully the rain will hold off and we’ll be able to all have a first at the new Busch Stadium, along with my parents.  

Josiah in his Cardinals jersey

Josiah in his Cubs pajamas

Wordless Wednesday

So, I’m stealing this idea from one of my friend’s blogs, along with something for Fridays.  Thanks Tiffany!  Here are a few pictures of Josiah over the past week.  Jed and I are having so much fun playing with him and he’s becoming quite the little character with all of his noises and facial expressions!  Enjoy!

september 2008 005 by you.

We made a “fort” last Friday because it was a rainy, cool day, and well, that’s what I remember doing when I was a little girl.  Josiah enjoyed it for a little while, but I’m hopeful that he will really enjoy fort building when he gets a bit bigger.

september 2008 015 by you.

september 2008 021 by you.

Josiah “smiling” for the camera, which Jed and I find absolutely adorable!!

4 Generations

We had a blessed summer getting to see so many family members and show off Josiah and his latest tricks.  We managed to capture most of the “4 Generation” pictures.  Grandpa will be turining 99 in a few weeks, GaGee is still in her prime at 29 and my Grandma refuses to believe she’s a day over 39, so we know what an honor and blessing it is to have these pictures and sweet times with our families. 

4 gen men by you.

The Coppenger men at Jed’s graduation

june 2008 024 by you.

Gagee and the Gang

august 2008 027 by you.

Grandma’s first time meeting Josiah